Thursday, July 11, 2013

Driving to the office, home for lunch, back to office, and then home again

I drove my silver 2014 Nissa Versa SV from home Tuesday morning to a fast food place for breakfast, then to the office.  At lunch, I drove home and then back to the office. After work, I drove back home. Top speed was 40 miles per hour.  I ate my fast food breakfast in the car with no issues.  

I have noticed that in the morning, if my car is facing west and the bright sun is shining behind me from the east, the reflection on the chrome around the control dials on the dashboard is blindingly bright and distracting.  I noticed this while driving, so I was unable to capture the effect in a photo.  Blinding and distracting the driver with reflected sunbeams on the controls could be a potential safety hazard.

Starting out on the morning of 7/9/2013, the odometer was at 80 miles.

80 miles on odometer 7-9-2013

Here is a picture of the car in the parking lot at my office.  I made sure to park far away from any other cars. I have had problems with door dings in the past in this parking lot with my previous car.  Since we have no covered parking, hail damage is another potential problem.

2014 Nissan Versa SV in parking lot at work

By the time I arrived home, the odometer read 108 miles driven so far.

108 miles on odometer at the end of the day 07-09-2013

My average miles per gallon is 24.4.  The average has improved from the previous day's 22.5 miles per gallon.

24.4 mpg on avg
The car estimates that I can drive 189 additional miles on the first tank of gas.

Drove 28 miles Tuesday in my 2014 Nissan Versa SV at 24.4 miles per gallon on average at a top speed of 40 miles per hour.

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