Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Driving record for Friday, July 12, 2013 to the mall and to pick up some dinner

The morning of July 12, I drove to the mall to have my iPhone repaired.  That night, I drove to pick up some Mexican food for our dinner.  I started the day with 213 miles on the odometer, and ended that night with 232.  Total amount driven on July 12, 2013 was 19 miles.

starting mileage 213 on 7-12-2013

ending mileage 232 on 7-12-2013
My top speed that morning to the mall and back was around 65 miles per hour.  In the evening, I only drove around 40 miles per hour.  In the morning, the car showed 30.3 average miles per gallon.  By the evening, it was back down to 30.1 average miles per gallon.

starting mpg avg 30.3

ending mpg avg 30.1
In the morning, the car estimated that there would be up to 118 miles remaining on the first tank of gasoline.  By the evening, the car estimated only 84 miles remaining on the first tank of gasoline.  This is a difference of 34 miles, when I only drove 19 total miles that day.

During the segments of my trips, I noticed that at 220 miles on the odometer, the car estimated that there were 104 miles remaining on the first tank.  This was not too far off, as I had driven 7 miles at that point.  When I arrived home that morning, the odometer was at 226, and estimated 98 miles remaining on the first tank.  I drove 6 more miles that evening, and the car first estimated 98 miles remaining, with 84 miles estimated remaining at the end. 
118 miles estimated remaining on first tank

84 miles estimated remaining on first tank


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