Sunday, September 29, 2013

2014 Nissan Versa SV with 1090 miles - avg mpg 30.8 on 9-28-2013

Yesterday I drove to the China Town shopping center to pick up some take out dinner from Genroku.  We had basil chicken and some sushi.  It was very nice, and the service was great.

There are now 1090 miles on the odometer.  It was a 5 mile trip round trip.  The average miles per gallon is still 30.8.  Top speed was 35 mph.  There are estimated 282 miles remaining on the 5th tank of gasoline.

5 miles from home to Genroku and back
30.8 avg mpg
282 miles remaining on the 5th tank of gasoline
1090 miles on the odometer

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