Sunday, January 25, 2015

2014 Nissan Versa SV with 9544 miles on odometer and 33.3 avg mpg

On 12-6-2014, I drove 46.6 miles to FedEx, Outback, McDonalds, the herb store, and Dillards with 33.3 avg mpg. The car estimated that there were 264 miles remaining on the 34th tank of gasoline. The ending odometer was at 9544 miles.

33.3 avg mpg

46.6 miles

264 miles remaining

odometer with 9544 miles

2014 Nissan Versa SV with 9498 miles on odometer and 33.3 avg mpg

On 12-05-2014, I drove 12.4 miles in the 2014 Nissan Versa SV to Burger Street and BJs with 33.3 avg mpg. The car estimated that there were 286 miles remaining on the 34th tank of gasoline. The ending odometer was at 9498 miles.

12.4 miles

33.3 avg mpg

286 miles remaining

9498 miles on odometer

2014 Nissan Versa SV with 9485 miles and 33.3 avg mpg

Between 12-03-2014 and 12-04-2014, I drove to a job interview, to city hall, and to Kroger for 17.3 miles with 33.3 avg mpg. The car estimated that there were 294 miles remaining on the 34th tank of gasoline. The ending odometer was at 9485 miles.

17.3 miles

33.3 avg mpg

294 miles remaining

9485 miles on odometer

9474 miles in 2014 Nissan Versa SV with 33.3 avg mpg

On 12-01-2014, I drove a total of 6.1 miles with 33.3 avg mpg. The car estimated that there were 318 miles remaining on the 34th tank of gasoline. The ending odometer was at 9474 miles.

6.1 miles

33.3 avg mpg

318 miles remaining

9474 miles on odometer