Tuesday, May 27, 2014

2014 Nissan Versa SV with 5406 miles on odometer at 33.1 avg mpg

Today I drove 31.6 miles to Chikfila and to work with 33.1 avg mpg. The car estimated that there were 318 miles remaining on the 20th tank of gasoline.  The ending odometer was at 5406 miles.
31.6 miles

33.1 avg mpg

318 miles remaining

5406 miles on odometer

#mpg, #Nissan Versa avg mpg, #NissanVersa,

Monday, May 26, 2014

5374 miles on 2014 Nissan Versa SV with 33.1 avg mpg

On 5-26-14, I drove to Sonic, to the pet store, to WalMart, and to Kroger for a total of 19.5 miles with 33.1 avg mpg.  The car estimated that there were 315 miles remaining on the 20th tank of gasoline.  The ending odometer was at 5374 miles. 
19.5 miles

33.1 mpg

315 miles remaining on 20th tank of gasoline

5374 miles on odometer

#mpg, #NissanVersa, #Nissan Versa avg mpg,

2014 Nissan Versa with 5355 miles on odometer at 33.1 avg mpg

On 5-24-2014, I drove 12.7 miles to the dry cleaner, to Kroger, and to a restaurant with 33.1 avg mpg.  The car estimated that there were 56 miles remaining on the 19th tank of gasoline.  The ending odometer was at 5355 miles.
12.7 miles

33.1 mpg

56 miles remaining

5355 miles on odometer

#mpg, #NissanVersa, #Nissan Versa avg mpg

5342 miles on 2014 Nissan Versa SV with 33.1 average miles per gallon

On 5-23-2014, I drove to the dry cleaner, to vote, to Chikfila, and to work, then to a restaurant for takeout dinner for us with a total of 37.3 miles and 33.1 avg mpg.  The car estimated that there were 101 miles remaining on the 19th tank of gasoline.  The ending odometer was at 5342 miles.
33.1 avg mpg

37.3 miles

101 miles remaining

5342 miles on odometer

#mpg, #NissanVersa, #Nissan Versa avg mpg

5305 miles on 2014 Nissan Versa SV with 33.1 avg mpg

On 5-22-2014, I drove 35.7 miles to McDonalds and to work with 33.1 avg mpg.  The car estimated that there were 142 miles remaining on the 19th tank of gasoline.  The ending odometer was at 5305 miles.
33.1 avg mpg

35.7 miles

142 miles remaining

5305 miles on odometer

#mpg, #NissanVersa, #Nissan Versa avg mpg

2014 Nissan Versa SV getting 33.1 avg mpg with 5269 miles on odometer

On 5-21-2014, I drove to mcDonalds, to work, and to Best Buy for a total of 44.7 miles with 33.1 avg mpg.  The car estimated that there were 179 miles remaining on the 19th tank of gasoline.  The ending odometer was at 5269 miles.
33.1 avg mpg

44.7 miles

179 miles remaining

5269 miles on odometer

#mpg, #NissanVersa, #Nissan Versa avg mpg

Getting 33.1 avg mpg on 2014 Nissan Versa SV with 5224 miles on odometer

On 5-20-2014, I drove to Chikfila, to work, to a park for lunch, and to a restaurant for take-out dinner and to Walmart for a total of 44.7 miles with 33.1 avg mpg.  The car estimated that there were 221 miles remaining on the 19th tank of gasoline.  The ending odometer was at 5224 miles.
33.1 mpg

221 miles remaining

5224 miles on odometer


#mpg, #NissanVersa, #Nissan Versa avg mpg

Sunday, May 25, 2014

2014 Nissan Versa SV with 5179 miles and getting 33.1 avg mpg

On 5-19-2014, I drove to the dry cleaner, to work, and to Chikfila for a total of 39 miles with 33.1 avg mpg.  The car estimated that there were 245 miles remaining on the 19th tank of gasoline.  The ending odometer was at 5179 miles.
33.1 avg mpg

39 miles

245 miles remaining

5179 miles on odometer

#mpg, #NissanVersa, #Nissan Versa avg mpg

Getting 33.1 average miles per gallon in 2014 Nissan Versa SV with 5140 miles on odometer

On 5-17-14, I drove to Whataburger, to the local Farmer's Market, to the donut shop, and to a local restaurant for dinner for a total of 21.3 miles with 33.1 avg mpg.  The car estimated that there were 247 miles remaining on the 19th tank of gasoline.  The ending odometer was 5140 miles.
21.3 miles

33.1 avg mpg

247 miles remaining

5140 miles on odometer

#mpg, #NissanVersa,

33.1 avg mpg in 2014 Nissan Versa SV with 5119 miles on odometer

On 5-16-2014, I drove 39.2 miles to Whataburger, Walmart, the Pet Store, the dry cleaners, Kroger, and the post office with 33.1 avg mpg.  The car estimated that there were 281 miles remaining on the 19th tank of gasoline.  The ending odometer was at 5119 miles.
33.1 avg mpg

39.2 miles

281 miles remaining on 19th tank of gasoline

5119 miles on odometer

#mpg, #NissanVersa,

Drove 30.2 miles in 2014 Nissan Versa SV with 33.1 avg mpg and ending odometer at 5080 miles

On 5-12-2014, I drove to get some gas in the car, Kroger, Chikfila, Wells Brother's food store, and to drop my car off at Service King to fix the bumper damage from the collision I had back in March.  Service King kept the car until 5-15-2014.  When I retrieved the car, on the way home I stopped at the dry cleaners and KFC.  Total miles driven for both days was 30.2 miles with 33.1 avg mpg.  The car estimated that there were 43 miles remaining on the 18th tank of gasoline.  The ending odometer was at 5080 miles.
30.2 miles

33.1 avg mpg

43 miles remaining

5080 miles on odometer

#mpg, #NissanVersa,

Monday, May 12, 2014

5049 miles driven in 2014 Nissan Versa SV with 33.1 avg mpg

On 5-11-2014, I drove to Rockfish and to Braums for a total of 11.7 miles with 33.1 avg mpg.  There are less than 20 miles remaining on the 18th tank of gasoline. The ending odometer was at 5049 miles.
11.7 miles

33.1 avg mpg

5049 miles on odometer

#mpg, #NissanVersa,

Sunday, May 11, 2014

5038 miles driven in 2014 Nissan Versa SV with 33.1 avg mpg

On 5-10-2014, I drove 83.4 miles to the farmer's market, to a restaurant, to the dry cleaner, to Whataburger, to visit my family, and then to all three Little Free Libraries in town with 33.1 avg mpg.  The car estimated that there were 42 miles remaining on the 18th tank of gasoline.  The ending odometer was 5038 miles.
33.1 avg mpg

42 miles remaining

83.4 miles

odometer with 5038 miles

#mpg, #NissanVersa,