Monday, August 26, 2013

Grocery trip on 8-26-2013 for 6 miles in 2014 Nissan Versa SV

Drove 6.1 miles to grocery store and back today.  There are now around 80 miles remaining on the 3rd tank of gasoline.  The average mpg was 30.1.  Average speed was 30-40 mph today.  There are 755 miles on the odometer as of 8-26-2013.

6.1 miles to grocery store and back

30.1 avg mpg

80 miles remaining 3rd tank

755 miles on odometer

Our groceries

8-24-2013 Drove around 64 miles 2014 Nissan Versa SV

On 8-24-2013 I drove 64.2 miles to visit my family.  The ending odometer was 749.  The average mpg was 30.1.  Top speed was about 60 miles per hour.  There are 92 miles remaining on the 3rd tank of gasoline.

30.1 avg mpg

64.2 miles on trip gauge

92 miles remaining 3rd tank

749 miles on odometer

8-22-2013 Nissan Versa SV 2014 has 685 miles on odometer

On 8-22-2013, there are 685 miles on the odometer for the 2014 Nissan Versa SV.

There are approximately 136 miles remaining on the 3rd tank of gasoline.

The average miles per gallon is 29.4.

Average speed was 40 miles per hour for this trip.
29.4 avg mpg

136 miles remaining on 3rd tank

685 miles on odometer

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

671 miles on 2014 Nissan Versa SV

Total miles on the odometer are 671. The average miles per gallon are 29.4.

Average speed for all of the small trips for errands were 30-40 miles per hour.

Currently, the car estimates that there are 155 miles remaining on the third tank of gasoline.

29.4 avg mpg

155 miles remaining 3rd tank of fuel

671 miles on odometer

Sunday, August 11, 2013

601 miles driven on 2014 Nissan Versa SV

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Ending odometer today hit 601 miles. Still 29.1 average mpg.  199 miles remaining on the 3rd tank of fuel.  1.8 miles on the trip gauge today. Top speed was around 30 mph.

1.8 miles to restaurant and back

29.1 avg mpg

199 miles remaining on 3rd tank of gasoline

601 miles on the odometer

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Saturday August 10, 2013 - shopping and ending at 599 miles on odometer 2014 Nissan Versa SV

On Saturday, August 10, 2013, the ending odometer was at 599 miles.

20.4 miles trip

29.1 avg mpg

203 miles remaining 3rd tank

599 miles on odometer

Friday 8-9-13 - ending odometer 579

Drove around 35 miles per hour top speed on 8-9-13 to run a few errands. Ending odometer was 579.

4.5 miles trip

29.1 avg mpg

221 miles remaining on 3rd tank

579 miles on odometer

8-8-13 - ending odometer 574 miles

On 8-8-13, I drove 9.2 miles.  The average miles per gallon was 29.1.  There are estimated 223 miles remaining on the 3rd tank of fuel.  Ending odometer was 574.

9.2 miles driven on 8-8-13

29.1 avg mpg

223 miles remaining on 3rd tank

ending odometer 574

Tuesday August 6 - last day driving to office

Tuesday, August 6, 2013 was the last time I drove to the office where I worked.  I also drove home to check on the dog at lunch. Then, back to work and home again that evening. Average miles per gallon went down to 29.1.  Top speed was around 45 miles per hour.  Almost 32 miles driven that day.  Ending odometer was 565 miles.

29.1 avg mpg

31.8 miles driven today

276 miles remaining on 3rd tank

ending odometer for 8-6-13 is 565 miles

Monday August 5 - ending miles 533

On Monday, August 5, 2013, I drove almost 17 miles in the 2014 Nissan Versa SV  Ending odometer was 533.  I drove about 40 miles per hour top speed.  The average miles per gallon was 29.4.  The car estimated that there were 276 miles remaining on the 3rd tank of gasoline.

I drove to breakfast, then to work. I stopped at the grocery store on my way home.

16.9 miles trip to work and back home

29.4 avg mpg

276 miles remaining on 3rd tank

ending odometer 533 miles

Sunday, August 4, 2013

On 3rd tank of gasoline - 2014 Nissan Versa SV - one month driving today ending 516 miles

Today is August 4, 2013.  I have owned the 2014 Nissan Versa SV for exactly 1 month today. There are now 516 miles on the car.  We bought the 3rd tank of gasoline today.  Average miles per gallon are 29.6.
29.6 avg mpg 8-4-2013

299 miles remaining on third tank of gasoline 8-4-13

Ending odometer 516 miles

Saturday, August 3, 2013

43 miles remaining on 2nd tank of gasoline - 2014 Nissan Versa SV

Ending odometer was 493 today.  Still at 29.6 avg mpg. 43 miles estimated remaining on 2nd tank of gasoline.

29.6 avg mpg 8-3-2013

43 miles remaining 2nd tank 8-3-2013

493 miles on odometer 8-3-2013

8-2-2013 ending odometer 2014 Nissan Versa SV 488 miles

There are 53 estimated miles left on the 2nd tank of fuel.  Up to 29.6 average miles per gallon today. Drove 40-45 miles per hour today.  Ending miles on odometer are 488.
488 miles on odometer